Chuukese Bible

Digital Version and Access

Why a digital version?

The Fellowship of Agapé Churches (or FAC), and with the consent of Pastor Kikuo Kanemoto wanted to make this Chuukese translation of the Holy Bible available to everyone who has a digital device, computer, phone, and access to the Internet. With Internet and cellular phone service becoming increasingly integrated into daily life and communication, being able to access the Bible in this way will be beneficial for many. Therefore, it is our intent and desire for every Chuukese speaker to have the access to the Bible on their phone or other portable device and be able to digitally access it where available..

We understand that for some people moving from a paper copy of the Bible will seem difficult and even hard to understand, but it is not our intent to replace that medium of reading. We are simply providing a medium that most relates to this emerging digital generation so that they too can continue to read, study, and embrace all that God's word has for their lives and his glory. The truths of the Word of God are not confined to the medium of transmission. God will continue to speak to all generations in the medium that will best make God's written word available and his name most glorified.

We hope that access to this digital version will help advance God's glory in the emerging digital generation as he has always advanced his glory throughout all of history, in each phase of technological development, and in each generation.

With this in mind, we also understand the risks involved with the Internet and digital usage. Therefore, to ensure the original intent, accuracy, and translation process of this particular Chuukese translation (hereinafter “these Scriptures” or “text of the Chuukese Bible (CB) FAC Chuukese Translation”), these Scriptures that are translated into Chuukese and published by the Fellowship of Agapé Churches are copyrighted and have been made available on the Internet for your personal use and the church's continuing ministry, education, and study. Any other uses that include, but not limited to printing, copying, reproducing, duplicating, or re-posting large portions of text on the Internet is strictly prohibited.

That said, portions of these Scriptures downloaded or otherwise accessed or reproduced for personal use and/or the church’s continuing ministry, education, and study may be subject to certain copyright terms and restrictions, as outlined in our Copyright & Terms of Use.

It should be appreciated that no portion of these Scriptures shall be altered or modified in any form and must remain in their original context. No portion or manuscript of these Scriptures shall be used for commercial gain, such as any sale, offer for sale, or any other form of solicitation for monetary profit or gain in any manner. No copy of these Scriptures or portions thereof shall be reprinted or reproduced by an individual or any publishing company or printing company for distribution without the written and express consent of the Fellowship of Agapé Churches. Details and exceptions may be found in the See Copyright & Terms of Use.

For inquiries and further information, please email